Tuesday, May 10, 2005

9 The Prime Minister of Australia

see http://www.blueoregon.com/elizabeth_cage/

"All countries must understand their history and their past and be candid about them. And that applies to all of us."
Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Tokyo, 20 April 2005.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They look like little boys playing War.

Tue May 10, 11:41:00 pm 2005  
Blogger chimurenga said...

"Mmmm. If only it were a game.
Hey I don't know how to respond to you in relation to my blog other than by posting here."

On this blog, rather than "replying", I think you have to add a comment as though you're another user - so the comments form a queue... Or maybe your blog has been configured not to take replies? You might want to check the settings.

Wed May 11, 11:03:00 pm 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why does he distinguish between history and the past? is this an admission of the contestation of hi/stories, and an admission that things of the past remain?

I wonder if John Howard or anyone in his cabinet have ever acquainted themselves with understanding an Aboriginal orientation to time? Short of spending time with Aboriginal people, which it seems they do not, perhaps Paul Carter's comment could help them - when he writes in speaking of Aboriginal people; 'Theirs is a wholly spatio-historical awareness-one reason they can have but little use for our concept of history as chronology, our impatient urge to put things behind us. They have no need to flesh out the bare facts, to make up a story to represent what once occurred; for them, time is already ‘fat’, multiply in-folded in the present'. (from The Lie of the Land p78)

Thu May 12, 05:15:00 pm 2005  
Blogger Dominique said...

Mmmm. If only it were a game.

Fri May 13, 08:57:00 am 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a link to another image, which chimes with the quote (in a different way):


Mon May 16, 09:57:00 am 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still thinking about the images, here's a link to an apt cartoon from the recent past (summer 2004/05):

I wish the cartoon raised the issues of Aboriginal land and the stolen generations.

Tue May 17, 11:30:00 am 2005  
Blogger Dominique said...

Yes. Precarious the balance in creating choreographed mayhem.

Tue May 17, 12:09:00 pm 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a big peace rally coming up in Sydney, at the end of August. It would be great to have a float based on that cartoon, as part of the procession. Do you know anyone who would have the skills and the materials to make such a float?? (I am thinking perhaps the Pine Street creative arts workshop, which is funded by the Sydnmey City Council.)

The quote could be somehow attached to the Howard figure, and broadcast by loud hailer.

There could even be a St-Paul-like striking of the Howard figure off his 'horse' (chariot) at the end of the route.

Wed May 18, 06:21:00 pm 2005  

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